What is Google Plus Communities? Useful Tips for Brands & Businesses
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Google +1,
Google Communities,
Google Plus,
Google Plus Communities,
Google Plus Pages,
Google+ Communities,
Google+ Pages,
Social Media,
Social Media Marketing,
Social Networking
What is Google+ Plus Communities Feature and How to Effectively Utilize it for Brands and Businesses?
On 6th December, 2012 we witnessed the great event � New Communities Feature in Google+ Plus introduced from Google. There are the same features like forums or groups in Facebook and Yahoo! where the like-minded people gather in one place and talk about similar interests. This is novelty for Google Plus and the very long-awaited feature. Thanks to Communities the number of users has rapidly grown for the last days.
As the other similar tools, Communities give a chance to find someone with similar affinities, to share experience and find answers for burning issues. Mobile brands, travelling, finance, sport, cooking and more communities are at your disposal. Now you don�t have to add people to see the news or posts you are interested in (sometimes) � all you need is to find community that covers specific interests and join it.