Unlock & Jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 and iOS 6.1 Beta On Pre-A5 iPhone & iPod Touch with RedSn0w - Tutorial
Sunday, November 4, 2012
iOS 6,
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iOS 6.0.1 Jailbreak,
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How To: Hack, Unlock, Jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 Final and iOS 6.1 Beta Firmware and Install Cydia On Pre-A5 iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod 4G Touch Devices Using RedSn0w - Full Tutorial and Guide
iOS 6.0.1 Final (Build 9B206) Firmware and iOS 6.1 Beta (Build 10B5095f) Firmware has been officially released from Apple for general public worldwide for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch devices so if you have recently updated or upgraded your iOS Device Firmware from old iOS 6 Firmware to the latest iOS 6.0.1 Final or iOS 6.1 Beta Firmware than you will be pleased to know that iPhone dev-team have introduced the working method to Unlock and Jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 Firmware and iOS 6.1 Beta Firmware for Pre-A5 iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod 4G Touch devices by using RedSn0w Tool. The latest version of Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 has been officially released from developers but it doesn't include support for iOS 6 Firmware but still we can point at the already supported iOS 6 Firmware and can also successfully Unlock and Jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 and iOS 6.1 Beta Firmware On Pre-A5 iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod 4G Touch Devices.